
无人机系统(UAS)的操作, 通常被称为无人机, 由美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)监管。. 作为一个私人机构, 科罗拉多大学 establishes the following policy to govern the operation by any person of a drone from or above the College’s campuses or properties. This policy extends to any and all property owned, rented, leased, or controlled by 科罗拉多大学.

信息技术服务副总裁/ CTO
FAA Small UAS Rule (14 CFR Part 107) and FAA special Rule for Model Aircraft


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, 包括志愿者在内,都在这项政策的范围内. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, 学院将依靠校园社区, including 志愿者 to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. 除非学校政策里特别提到, 学院的董事会受其章程管辖.


This policy is established to require and ensure compliance with ALL applicable laws, 降低安全风险, and preserve the security and privacy of members of the 科罗拉多大学 community.  This policy primarily responds to FAA guidelines and requirements that promote safe and responsible use of unmanned aircraft.  所有教师, 工作人员, 学生, 承包商, 志愿者, 科罗拉多大学校园和财产的一般公众, and any person who may be involved in operating a drone from or above 科罗拉多大学 campus or property are governed by this policy.  Any use of a drone from or over the campus or inside a campus building is strictly prohibited except under the following circumstances.  任何可疑的违规行为都要报告给校园安全部门.


  • 出于行政目的,允许使用无人机, educational and re搜索 目的s with the following conditions outlined here.
  • All educational and re搜索 drone uses must perform only in areas designated in the Guide For 无人机飞行员地图: http://gde.technestng.com/offices/its/.
    • Any drone operations outside of these areas must follow the Administrative use outlined below.
  • All drone uses must follow the review and approval process outlined in the procedures section and a decision will be made at least 48 hours prior to the use of the drone.
  • 所有的请求必须包括日期/时间的信息, 目的, 以及无人机操作的时长, 以及将使用无人机的校园区域.
    • 飞行员的职责:
      • 必须遵守所有联邦,州和城市的法律.
      • An authorized individual who does not have the Part 107 certification may only operate a drone in the presence of a certified Part 107 pilot.
      • Must not operate over areas of public assembly, stadium, or areas of construction.
      • 不得拍照, video, or monitor areas where other members of the college community or members of the general public would have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
      • 如果由非cc员工执行, the operator must provide a certificate of aircraft liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000,并指定赌博正规的十大网站作为额外被保险人.
    • 任何违法行为(非法侵入), 非法监视, reckless endangerment) or violations of 科罗拉多大学 policies may subject the individual(s) to both criminal and/or disciplinary action in accordance with faculty, 工作人员, 学生的过程.


  • The use of drones for hobby or recreational use on 科罗拉多大学 property is permitted and must follow all federal and local regulations on their use. 无人机使用的可接受区域已在指南中指定 无人机飞行员地图: http://gde.technestng.com/offices/its/.
    • Any drone operations outside of these areas must follow the Administrative use outlined above.
    • 爱好者职责:
      • 必须遵守所有联邦,州和城市的法律.
      • Must not operate over areas of public assembly, stadium, or areas of construction.
      • 不得拍照, video, or monitor areas where other members of the college community or members of the general public would have a reasonable expectation of privacy.


  • 所有民用(商用), 合同, or College owned) operated drones must comply with all federal (FAA), 状态, 以及当地法律. The use of commercially owned Unmanned Aircraft Systems is permitted for institutional, 教育或研究目的.
    • Must obtain prior approval at least 48 hours in advance of the proposed use of the drone.
    • A drone operator must provide a certificate of liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000,并指定赌博正规的十大网站作为额外被保险人.
    • A commercially owned (college or 合同) operator must file a "flight plan" including date, time, and duration of flight and operational area 48 hours prior to commencing the drone flight.
  • A 合同 operator must be accompanied by a representative of the College at all times.
  • The drone may not operate over areas of public assembly, athletic fields, or populated areas.
  • 无人机不允许拍照, video, or monitor areas of the College where other members of the College community would have a reasonable expectation of privacy. (见上图).
  • 任何违法行为(非法侵入), 非法监视, reckless endangerment) or violations of College policies may subject the individual to both criminal and/or disciplinary action. Damages/injuries occurring to college property or individuals will be the responsibility of the drone operator.


All non-hobbyist requests to fly a drone over college property must follow these procedures:

  • A 科罗拉多大学 department and representative must be identified that will sponsor/support the request. 需要部门/内阁成员的批准.
  • 完成 无人机/无人机使用批准表格: http://gde.technestng.com/offices/its/.
  • Requests are to be submitted at least 14 days prior to the proposed flight date in order to receive approval within 48 hours of the proposed flight.
    • Return the form digitally through DocuSign or email directly to the Director of Educational Solutions
    • 拟定的飞行计划, 无人机和FAA信息, 和保险证明都要附在申请表上.
  • The review committee includes representation from ITS, Risk Management, and 校园安全
  • A decision to approve or disapprove will be communicated to the requestor via email.

All Hobbyist or 娱乐al users must follow the guidelines outlined under the Special Rule for Model Aircraft.

  • 无人机用户只能出于业余爱好或娱乐目的飞行.
  • 无人机必须在美国联邦航空局注册为模型飞机.
  • 无人机必须在可视范围内飞行.
  • Drone users are responsible in following community-based safety guidelines.
  • 无人机重量不得超过55磅.
  • 无人机使用者不应该在其他飞机附近飞行.
  • Users are responsible in notifying the airport and air traffic control tower prior to flying within 5 miles of an airport where applicable.
  • 无人机用户大多不会飞到应急响应地点附近.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/16/2020